
An economical open-channel flow meter, IS-4000 measures the level, flow rate, and total volume of water flowing through weirs and flumes. The meter includes a non-contact ultrasonic level sensor to detect the water level and then calculates the flow rate and total volume using the Gauckler-Manning or other equations based on the characteristics of the channel. All the measurements are available over Modbus RTU or Modbus TCP Ethernet and can be logged for
historical records.
Open channels with a primary device are a cost-effective solution for managing varying flow rates in unpressurized systems. The IS-4000 flow meter performs best when used with a primary device, such as a flume or weir, and where the sediment does not build up.
• Flow into water treatment plants from reservoirs
• Storm and sanitary sewer systems
• Effluent from water resource recovery or wastewater treatment
• Industrial discharge
• Agriculture irrigation channels