Realtime Central Monitoring, Reporting & Alert System.
About Telepro
We have a fully-equipped high-tech technology and R&D center for real-time data acquisition systems.
The data will be collected from the modem and data logger connected to the site. The data file in CSV format is transmitted to the AWS Cloud server via File Transfer Protocol (FTP) from the data logger connected at the physical site. Once data is received at the Application Server, it is first parsed for correctness and validness of the data as per the station configuration information. The data received from FTP files is processed and pushed to the AWS IoT Hub from where the data is streamed. The data is finally stored in AWS Cloud Storage and further displayed to PCBs and industries through secured access on TelePro.

Our Solutions
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For Business: Do you have questions about how Manufactory can help your company? Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly, or phone 0120 4159 238 between 10:00 and 18:30 Monday to Saturday — we would be delighted to speak.
Note: Your details are kept strictly confidential as per our Company Privacy Policy.