The condu::lyser is a maintenance-free and long-term stable probe for online measurement of conductivity, automatically compensated with temperature. It can be mounted directly in the media or in a flow cell providing high precision by either conductive or inductive measurement. Thanks to the high measurement range it is ideal for all varieties of water.
condu::lyser measures conductivity, temperature, and salinity.
- s::can plug & measure
- Measurement principle condu::lyser: 4 electrode contacting measurement
- Multiparameter sensor
- Ideal for surface water, groundwater, drinking water, and wastewater
- condu::lyser monitors conductivity, temperature, and salinity
- Long term stable and maintenance-free in operation
- High temperature, pressure, and measuring range
- Factory precalibrated
- Mounting and measurement directly in the media (InSitu) or in a flow cell
- Operation via s::can terminals & s::can software
- 2 versions are available:
sensor with plug connector for use in stations
sensor with fixed cable for submersion - optional: automatic cleaning with compressed air